Demons Within Update 9 out on Patreon!

Demons Within Update 9 out on Patreon!

After our scheduled break, we worked hard to bring you the new Update 9!

Update 9 continues the cut in Update 8 directly and, as mentioned before, it includes the major scene that didn't make it into the previous update. Hopefully, as soon as you play Update 9, you'll see why! Update 9 contains our most ambitious CG yet, which was a challenge for both me and Blain to get up and running, but in the end, it all worked out! I hope you'll all enjoy the results!

For now, in Update 9 you will find...

Update 9 Changelog

  • 15k words of new content, most of it revolving around a brand new multi-faceted CG!
  • Brand new interface menu visuals for settings, save/load screen and history
  • A new icon indicator that tells you when an infusion choice is going to lead you to an alternate branch that ends the game (like a bad or kinky ending)
    • And a tutorial to explain how this new feature works, as it is added retroactively to previous alternate ending possibilities

Update 9 moves the story forward and, we're gonna keep going. By the end of Update 9 you'll get a strong hint about what Update 10 will be about. The details are still in development and I'll keep you all posted, but you can expect to see a lot of Unit 57-H and even a little bit of branching coming soon, as well as more art greatness!

The release of Update 9 on Patreon, as usual, marks this date. In about 4 weeks from now, Update 8 will be released to the public as well!

For those that support Demons Within's Patreon, the new update is available right now by connecting your account with Patreon with instructions on Demons Within's special Patreon page!

Big, big thanks to everyone supporting Demons Within! You're all making this possible!

Thank you!


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