Demons Within Update 8 is OUT!

Demons Within Update 8 is OUT!

Hey hey!

Here we are again! Update 8 is now out and public! We continue the story this time following up after the big events of Update 7. I won't spoil anything, of course, but there's a lot in store for Resnick. We'll have some new faces and new events... ;)

With all said and done though, this update isn't the most eventful! I spoke a bunch about it in my Patreon devlogs, but after the action-packed events we had, even though there's still a lot to unravel, this update is relatively peaceful. It should please those that have a hunger for a bit more lore about the world as it has a bunch of memories to see, mention of many things and conversations between all characters! I hope everyone will have fun with those. :)

Why don't I list it out, though? In update 8 you'll find...

Update 8 Changelog

  • A little over 10k words of new story content moving forward after the events of Update 7
  • Three new sprites! Two main sprites appearing in the new content and one new, simpler sprite that you can see during Ludwig's day, which has been enhanced with it (but otherwise didn't change much)
  • Five new memories to unlock, four of them within the new content, one back in Ludwig's day, and two of those with full sprite viewer content
  • A few new sprite variations for other characters that will be naturally unlocked through the new content as you see it
  • New credits screen after the build is over showcasing some of the recent fan art and showing how these will be in the future

I also spoke a bit in my devlogs about the somewhat abrubt end to this update. The scene where it ends was going to be included in it at first, but as I deliberated about how to make it better, I finally decided to pull the trigger and decided... it needed a CG! So Blain and I got to work on that and it didn't make it to Update 8. It is, however, already well into development for Update 9 and it features a lot of knicks and knacks that I think are going to look great! We're releasing previews already and I think it'll be worth the slightly longer wait. Especially for Captain Garret's fans... ;) Update 9 will be great too, I hope!

As always, big thanks to everyone that has kept supporting Demons Within, whether on Patreon or just with your amazing enthusiasm for the new updates. I love all of you and you all keep me going! We'll keep making Demons Within as amazing as it can possibly be with you all!

Thank you!


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