Demons Within Special Update 7.5 out on Patreon!
Demons Within Special Update 7.5 out on Patreon!
Hello folk!
Today, we're launching a very special Demons Within update early on Patreon! I know (by the number of requests I usually got) that the closed off bad ending branch involving a certain bull that had been there since Update 2 was something that people were really looking forward to. Well, from the get-go, I was always holding off on it because I wanted to make it special. At this point, most of you already know that the opportunity to make it really special finally appeared at the beginning of the year, when the incredible Dangpa and I got into talking and he agreed to illustrate this bad ending in a beautiful CG! Well, in the end, it wasn't really one beautiful CG... but rather, FOUR beautiful CGs!
Therefore, this special update features no continuation of the story so far, but rather the entire what-if bad ending branch and how this little story unfolds if the mercenary were to win in that fight. Well, not only win, but win... and have a good sprinkle of Lust added on top of everything. ;)
Without further delay, in Update 7.5 you will find...
Update 7.5 Changelog
- Around 12k words of what-if on the bad ending branch
- FOUR new CGs that you'll see as you go through it, all of them made in collaboration with the amazing Dangpa!
- New screens for when you reach a bad ending, one for story-related bad endings and one for the... lustier ones
In the end, although this is just a branch, the length of this is about the length of a regular update, so there's a lot to see! Small warning though that, as expected, the bad ending features very adult and kinky scenes, so to speak, so it might not be everyone's cup of tea. It is entirely optional to see it or not and, since this branch ends the story in a different way, it has no effect on the ongoing main story as it continues in the next update. Check it out at your own discretion!
Another reminder is that to access this bad ending and the contents of this new update, you have to NOT infuse Gunther during his fight with Resnick so as to not distract him from winning, and then when he has the upper hand, you DO infuse him, which leads to... well, you'll see!
As always, the release of Update 7.5 on Patreon, as usual, marks this date. In about 4 weeks from now, Update 7.5 will be released to the public as well!
For those that support Demons Within's Patreon, the new update is available early by connecting your account with Patreon with instructions on Demons Within's special Patreon page!
Big, big thanks to everyone supporting Demons Within! And huge thanks to Dangpa for working with me on this special treat and being so cool about everything! If you haven't checked out his stuff yet, go do that right now! He's amazing!
Thank you!
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Demons Within
Traverse a deep story as a demon that influences emotions
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Can't wait to see this when it comes to the Public version.
Oh, my, god.
I can't wait for this!
Nossa, esse jogo é muito legal! Parabéns a todos os colaboradores que estão fazendo um jogo como esse! Estou ansioso para ver o resto da história! É possível ver quanto trabalho esse jogo está tendo por ser tão bem detalhado. Parabéns mesmo.❤️
Didn't expect this what-if scenario to have around 12k words. It's definitely worth the wait. If there are more plans for more bad endings, will they also be this lengthy? Or is this a special case because it's the first bad ending?